Why do bad things happen,
To good people whom we know,
They go through lots of suffering,
And just can’t make it go.
We watch all their heartbreak,
And stand with them in prayer,
Show support and compassion,
And let ‘em know we’re there.
But there’s not always an answer,
Just faith to see them through,
And hope they can endure it,
And nothing else to do.
And, yes, they learn the lessons,
That suffering often brings,
But they hate going through it,
And wish for when life sings.
And we wish it for them,
And have no words to say,
Only don’t forget them,
And with them we will stay.
“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing as though some strange thing were happening to you.” (1 Peter 4:12, NAS)
We are surprised when bad things happen.to good people. Whether we admit it or not, we wonder why God allows it and doesn’t intervene with a miracle. And we believe in miracles. That’s the problem. Sometimes God responds to faith and prayer with a dramatic life-changing miracle. But other times the suffering is extended and we don’t really know why. The only answer is faith which accepts the grace God gives without knowing why it’s happening. One day we will know as we are known. But not now and not yet. Faith holds on and keeps going even then.
Lord, help us to keep going, no matter what, in Jesus’ name.