"A Cowboy Then"

 We didn’t know it was a story,

That someday they would tell,

Just felt like work, we didn’t shirk,

Uphill to ring the bell.


And all the cowboy romance,

Plumb wasted on us hands,

As Dad would say, it’s work, not play,

In a hurry with his plans.


Didn’t care if you enjoyed it,

Suspicious if you did,

From can till can’t, but now they paint,

With manure and sweat all hid.


The glory of the cowboy,

A-horseback through the brush,

Full out to find, the wild bovine,

Fast gallop in a rush.


But then when working at it,

With sweat and blood and tears,

No glory there, gave all, I swear,

Said no to all our fears.


Fondly now I see and hear,

All those cowboy days,

And what I’d give, to go relive,

I’ll treasure them always.


But back when it was happening,

Spite of laughter and the fun,

We earned our pay and everyday,

We rode to get it done.

Endured and kept on going,

‘Cause that’s just what we did,

No thought about, or cause for doubt,

That one day they’d get rid,

Of all the open spaces,

We rode so carelessly,

With stockyards closed, in still repose,

Of runs that used to be.

You can’t go back, they say it,

And wrong if you belong,

To yesterday, the price you pay,

Is sadness you prolong.

But I’ve still got my memories,

Still catch a horse and ride,

The life goes on, more brain, less brawn,

If they said I’m done, they lied.

The story of a cowboy,

Has no end, you see,

When cows need care, he will be there,

And it will always be.

“…I own the cattle on a thousand hills…” (Psalm 50:10, NLT)

There is romance embedded in the cowboy way. The same is true with all sorts of human endeavors- sea voyages, exploration, mountain top views, sunrises and sunsets, and much, much more. That’s because there is so much beauty, mystery, and wonder in this world. The design of the creation points to a great Designer, and the psalmist says He owns it all. If you grew up looking after cattle, you especially appreciate that the Lord owns the cattle on a thousand hills. But no matter our experience or background, we all can live thankfully, and appreciate the wonder of what the Lord has made and owns. When we know Him as Creator and Savior, His beauty fills our souls. Don’t miss it.

Lord, help us give you the sacrifice of praise, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Mary Peters, used by permission. Thanks, Mary, and God bless you.

Brad McClain