
Mi amigo, mi compadre,

Saddle partner and my friend,

Prays for me and stays with me,

And will until the end.


They say the iron sharpens,

To bring a finer edge,

Through the fire for God’s desire,

And talks me off the ledge.


A friend closer than a brother,

Born for adversity,

The battles fought by those blood-bought,

To set the captive free.


Bound by God together,

Loosed from this world’s hold,

Fanning flame for godly gain,

And not for this world’s gold.


And if you have just one or two,

And gather in His name,

He comes with grace to run the race,

And magnify His name.


So don’t be the lone ranger,

Or fight your fight alone,

With warriors true, to stand with you,

And let your light be shone.

“A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need…” (Proverbs 17:17, NLT)

This proverb and others like them emphasize our need for one another. It’s not that God’s grace is inadequate. But simply that God’s grace is administered through relationships and not only directly from the Holy Spirit. The Lord connects us in spiritual partnership s that we are supported, sharpened, and held accountable in the spiritual journey. Though the life may require short stretches in which we follow Christ alone, the scriptures encourage us to regularly connect with friends who help us fight our battles and live for the Lord. If you don’t have spiritual friends you can trust, ask the Lord to give them to you.

Lord, thank You for the ones You send to help us follow You, in Jesus’ name.

At by Bill Anton, billantonstudios.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Brad McClain