"Ancient Path"

A horseback watching cattle move,

Slowly through the pasture,

Pathways that they’ve used before,

No need to move them faster.


Along about this time of day,

It’s how they always go,

Well-worn path that marks the way,

They do it ‘cause they know,


It’s where they find the water,

That flows from springs below,

There they’ll find refreshment,

From those dry days and so,


We should take a lesson,

From the bovine’s habit sure,

Return to what our fathers knew,

To live life and endure.


The best way is the old way,

The Good Book says it true,

The prophet’s route, let’s start today,

What God says we should do.


And there along the ancient path,

We will find God’s rest,

For our thirsty, weary souls,

It’s by far the best.


Come back to the ancient way,

Don’t discard for the new,

The Good Lord’s path of righteousness,

His Word is always true.

“Thus says the Lord, ‘Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it; and you will find rest for your souls.’” (Jeremiah 6:16, NAS)

Jeremiah called the people back to the ancient paths of the Lord. Many faithful have gone before us on the Lord’s trail, but our culture has wandered far from what we once accepted as true. Fundamentals like morality and marriage have been redefined and the truth discarded. The news is full of spin and every arena of life is being drawn away into deception. It is time for God’s people to return to the ancient paths and proclaim them. This must be done with love, but spoken and lived nonetheless. God will help us.

Lord, direct us to the ancient paths, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Clark Kelley Price, used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain