
Never thought I’d feel this way,

But just too tired to fight,

I listen to the arguments,

Their bait I will not bite.

‘Cause in the end I’m thinkin’,

That if you disagree,

With those who want to argue,

It’s a set-up, don’t you see,

For nothing that’s constructive,

It does no good at all,

Anger, rage, frustration,

And if you ever fall,

Into the trap they’re setting,

And they can draw you in,

I’m sayin’ you’ll regret it,

They’ll make you sorry when,

You talk about what’s right and wrong,

Sincere and humble, too,

Or share your faith in Jesus,

Just like God wants us to.

Things can get real nasty,

And, no, I’m not thin-skinned,

But want to do the best I can,

Invite all people in.

With some, like Jesus told us,

We’re only wasting time,

He said to shake the dust off,

And don’t cast pearls to swine.

Wow, and when I write it,

I think, did He say that?

And, yes, He really said it,

A pretty brutal chat.

The truths is what is needed,

We speak the truth in love,

And try to let the Spirit,

Direct us from above.

Yes, truth will bring us freedom,

And if folks don’t agree,

We sow the seeds God gives us,

Trust Him to help them see.

We are not in the business,

Of judging people’s sins,

Or being condescending,

‘Cause they react and then,

We realize that an argument,

Just isn’t the best way,

To show and share the love of God,

A better thing to say,

Is I do not want to argue,

I only want to share,

What the Lord has done for me,

And show you that I care.

And if they are not ready,

Put them in God’s hands,

He knows everything it takes,

To show them all His plans.

Praying still and caring,

Spreading love and peace,

Doing it in Jesus’ name,

And all results release.

“Don’t throw your pearls to pigs…” (Mt. 7:6, NLT)

In the same passage where Jesus tells us not to judge others, and to get the log out of our own eye before trying to help someone get the speak out of theirs, He says: “Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy.” Then the pearls cast to swine statement. It all goes together. Without judgment we share and show the love of God to anyone we can. But when people are argumentative and have no interest in hearing what we are trying to say, it’s best to move on and put them in God’s hands. The timing may not be right or someone else is supposed to talk with them. Sometimes they are literally unsafe for us to make a connection with them. Jesus went on to say the pigs will trample the pearls and then turn and attack you. It’s not that all persecution and controversy are avoidable. Clearly, they aren’t. But having discernment and wisdom as we share the Good News is important. God will help us know how to do it best.

Lord, show us how to effectively share Your Good News with others, in Jesus’ name.

Art by JaNeil Anderson, janeilanderson.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, JaNeil, and God bless you.

Art by JaNeil Anderson, janeilanderson.com. Used by permission. Thanks, JaNeil, and God bless you.

Brad McClain