"Back When"


I’ve loped along the ridges,

Long-trotted all those miles,

I’ve drunk the wine of freedom,

And traded frowns for smiles.


I’ve gotten saddled early,

Stayed horseback till it’s late,

Had my biscuit and my coffee,

Long before day break.


I’ve caught some wild-eyed cattle,

I’ve ridden broncs so rank,

And never was discouraged,

Or had my feelings tank.


I’ve seen vistas so breathtaking,

And horizons stretch so far,

The colors and the music,

The wind, sun, moon and star.


And I’ve thought how small and crowded,

Are the places people live,

Even though they do not know it,

But I would never give,


What I have seen and tasted,

I’m thankful for it all,

For time in some big city,

And I will tell all y’all,


Out there I hear the Spirit,

And get my soul restored,

And when the work’s the hardest,

I never did get bored.


Get out there, son, and cowboy,

And do it all you can,

Get back to God and nature,

And live close to the land.

And you’ll find you are living,

What should have always been,

Away from all the chaos,

More people did back when.

“For the Lord is a great God, a great King above all gods. He holds in His hands the depths of the earth and the mightiest mountains…” (Ps. 95:3, NLT)

We don’t just believe God created it. We believe God holds it all in His hands. We believe He is separate from His creation, only in the sense that we do not worship nature but rather the God of nature. But His glory or presence is reflected by what He has made. I was converted to Christ in the woods in a quiet place. The places I feel close to the Lord are, more times than not, in a remote location away from town. Not everyone can cowboy or live in the country. We know that. We’re not all supposed to. But there is something to be said for getting closer to the Lord by withdrawing from the busy-ness of life and simply drinking in the beauty of what God has made. If you can’t live there, go there when you can. If you can’t go there, go there mentally and listen for the Spirit.

Lord, help us draw aside and find the joy and peace of Your presence, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudio.com.  Used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudio.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Brad McClain