We think of big in different ways,
Like the scheduled next big game,
Or a big election,
And the candidate’s big name.
We think of big old bank accounts,
Big moments, memories,
A great big house, big mama,
And the one that gave big tease.
We think its big in Texas,
Big country and oil wells,
Big herds of big red cattle,
Big money when it sells.
But the biggest one of all the bigs,
Is the God who gives big love,
So big it’s hard to measure,
Sent from the Lord above.
If the biggest, how big is it,
And that’s a question good to ask,
The challenge is the measure,
And not an easy task.
It’s bigger than the biggest hurt,
It’s bigger than our sin,
Lasts longer than life’s greatest pain,
Proves it time and time again.
It’s bigger than our history,
It’s bigger than the lies,
That try to steal our destiny,
Bigger than the devil’s tries.
It’s bigger than discouragement,
Than all depressions, too,
It’s bigger than our greatest fear,
Will drive it out, it’s true.
So let’s go big for the biggest,
Let’s love in bigger ways,
Bring glory to the Savior,
And spread the big always.
“…and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled to all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:17-19 (NAS)
Paul prays for three things regarding God’s love. First, he prays that love will be their foundation, that they will be “rooted and grounded” in love. Second, he prays that they will somehow understand the dimensions of God’s love, it’s breadth and length and height and depth. Ultimately he knows that this is unknowable. But God can reveal it to them. Finally he prays they will be filled with all of God’s fullness, which is tied directly to the size of God’s love. Truly amazing, the biggest reality in all of time and eternity.
Lord, show us the dimensions of your love, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by Andrea Mischianti, used by permission. Thanks, Andrea, and God bless you.