"Bill Joe the Cowboy"
They never did expect it,
And no need to reject it,
When Billy Joe the cowboy had his say.
They knew he was half outlaw,
And all his wildness they saw,
But then he rose to tell them of a day,
When Billy playin’ poker,
Heard a card shark joker,
Call him out for cheatin’ in the game.
Though he didn’t do it,
Threw down his cards into it,
And called that shark a very ugly name.
The pistol was in his face,
So quickly drawn at fast pace,
Knew that life was coming to an end.
But the pistol misfired,
And all that Billy desired,
Was getting gone from everywhere he’d been.
Shaking by the trailside,
Knelt with his good horse ground tied,
And called upon the Savior up above.
Said that he would serve Him,
And repent of his sin,
Live to share with others Jesus’ love.
Now we hear that our friend,
Still cowboy to his life’s end,
Has found a new and very happy life.
And you ask him just why,
He’s glad to let the truth fly,
How Jesus took away his sin and strife.
And, oh yeah, that old gambler,
Whom God used though a rambler,
Heard about the change in Billy Joe.
Now he is a-preachin’,
And God’s grace through him reachin’,
He got saved, too, and gladly tells you so.
May be you don’t believe it,
And refuse to receive it,
This testimony of the Savior’s grace.
But please reconsider,
The Lord, He is no quitter,
He offers you salvation face to face.
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” (2 Cor. 5:17, NLT).
Jesus is in the saving, healing, life-changing business. And everyone who receives Christ receives a whole new life. This doesn’t mean that everything instantly changes overnight or that every problem is magically solved. But it does mean that everyone who experiences new birth has received the transforming power of God’s Holy Spirit. He changes us from the inside out, and flows through us to change others. For every person who is on the outside looking in, the offer is extended to you. Receive God’s grace by faith and you will be saved eternally and given the power to have an abundant life this side of the grave. If you’ve already received His grace, what remains of your old life that needs to drop off and change for good? God wants to use all of us to draw others to Himself. He will use anything, as the poem illustrates, to bring us home to Him. Come home. Bring others with you.
Lord, give us the new life You died to give, and help us share it with others, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Jeff Gant, used by permission. Thanks, Jeff, and God bless you.