"Call It Cowboy"

Can you call it cowboy,

If no one sorts a cow,

Or with desire, drags to the fire,

Brands calves with some know how.

Can you call it cowboy,

If it just wears a hat,

With boots and jeans and other things,

That makes him look like that.

Can you call it cowboy,

If when he rides a horse,

Bounced all around, with no skill found,

It’s obvious, of course,

That this may be a someone,

Who down deep wants to be,

But doesn’t know and it will show,

If he has skills, you see.

But don’t be cruel to him,

Or bring embarrassment,

No telling what, the dreams he’s got,

It could be that he’s sent.

So that you can show him,

What a cowboy really is,

A mentor who knows what to do,

Can teach the cowboy biz.

And just like with the Gospel,

Some really do not know,

The truth, you see, to set them free,

But you the way can show.

We learn it then we teach it,

We pass along the love,

A vital link and don’t you think,

Our Father up above,

Would want us to show mercy,

To those who try to be,

The thing they feel is oh, so real,

They can receive for free.

And then we’ll call it Christian,

If they the truth receive,

And learn to live, by grace He gives,

And always to believe.

“But to all who believed in Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12, NLT)

If we believe in and accept Jesus…What does this mean? It means first that we believe that Jesus really did what the Bible says He did, and that is He died on the cross for ours sins and rose from the dead on the third day. But not only do we believe that this happened. Because we believe, we accept Jesus to save us personally. We surrender our lives to Him. We pass the reins to His control. We endeavor to live a life of commitment to His lordship, and choose to obey Him even if this requires sacrifice. This is what real belief is all about. It boils down to personal trust and surrender. And this is what gives us authentic salvation. Jesus gives us the right to become children of God. It’s His gift to us, but we must receive it and cooperate with His leadership of our lives.

Lord, help us to turn from our sins, believe in Your sacrifice, and accept Your salvation, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Lloyd Voges, used by permission. Thanks, Lloyd, and God bless you.

Brad McClain