"Care Less"
Could I care less,
Maybe I guess,
But I just don’t see how,
I know I should,
But not so good,
At caring enough now.
Why, you say,
Do you feel that way?
When the Spirit lives in you,
God is near,
He’s always here,
His grace will flow through.
But you don’t see,
How they treated me,
I got an unfair deal,
I’m sad and bruised,
And feel confused,
The pain is what I feel.
And, yes, that’s true,
It’s what we do,
When people do us wrong,
The problem is,
The poison’s this,
If we hold to it long.
Let go and live,
And just forgive,
God will help you care,
I know He will,
And His grace fill,
Because I have been there.
“Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you…” (Col. 3:13, NLT)
Nothing drains our emotional and spiritual energy like unforgiveness. When I find myself a quart low on caring about others, it’s usually connected to some offense that I’m holding onto. Yes, it’s true that the Spirit empowers our compassion. But nothing blocks the Spirit’s flow like unhealed hurt. Why? Because until it’s healed we keep reliving it, and when we do, it steals our ongoing availability to God’s Spirit. So, what’s the answer? Turn it loose, turn it over, and make the choice to forgive everyone! God’s grace will meet us there, and then restore us so that we care more, not less!
Lord, help us to forgive others and let Your power flow through us so we can care for others, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.