"Christ Rose"

Dark is the night,

When you know you aren’t right,

And long is the fight,

But there’s hope for the light,

Christ rose, it’s all right.


Great was my sin,

About did me in,

It’s hell where I’ve been,

Again and again,

Christ rose, we can win.


The hurt gave me pain,

Lost so much, no gain,

To forgive seemed insane,

For all this He was slain,

Christ rose, broke my chain.


The injured and sick,

Cut deep to the quick,

And nobody’s pick,

But now it can’t stick,

Christ rose, it’s no trick.


The sadness and shame,

With no one to blame,

A sad, senseless game,

But He called my name,

Christ rose, not the same.


I can’t, but He can,

By His strength I stand,

Go claim all the land,

A disciple, no fan,

Christ rose, God’s big plan.


For this cowboy, too,

And all I’ve been through,

From deep waters He drew,

My soul is made new,

Christ rose, it is true.

“Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. He was buried, and He was raised from the dead on the third day…” (1 Cor. 15:3-4, NLT)

Paul said it was the most important thing he could tell them, and if they believed what he said they would be saved eternally. Important indeed, given the alternative. But what’s the big deal? Isn’t this all just about behaving yourself and becoming a better person? Jesus’ death was tragic and the church has traditionally believed He was raised from the dead, but aren’t we just supposed to follow His teachings and try to make a difference in this old world? Well, no. The Good News is not about being good or earning salvation or making the world a better place. It’s about personally accepting and applying to one’s life what the Bible in effect calls God’s final solution. The death, and yes, the resurrection of Jesus is the remedy for what is wrong with the entire human race and all its history. Believing this, really believing this, is what saves people, according to the Scripture. If you believe something else or something similar, it’s certainly your choice to do so. God gave us the freedom to choose. The problem comes when people claim they believe Christianity but do not accept the way of salvation according to scripture. Believe what you like, but if it is not about the death and resurrection of Jesus, it ain’t the real thing. This is the Good News. This is most important.

Lord, help us accept and emphasize what Your Word tells us is most important, in Jesus’ name.

Photography by Claire Porter, claireporterphotography.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Claire, and God bless you.

Photography by Claire Porter, claireporterphotography.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Claire, and God bless you.

Brad McClain