This winter ground is frozen,
But soon will come the thaw,
And that is when God’s chosen,
Will say all that they saw.
When hearts of stone like frozen ground,
Are melted by God’s grace,
Became the love they finally found,
The smile upon God’s face.
When winter freezes deep your soul,
The wind blows hard and cold,
When your hope the devil stole,
And you’re about to lose your hold.
No matter if a frozen waste,
Is all that you can see,
The Lord is coming with a taste,
Of all that you can be.
From ashes He brings beauty,
From mourning He gives dance,
And just like He drew me,
And gave another chance,
Grace is all the reason,
The cold will go away,
The Lord of every season,
Will have the final say.
“…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair…” (Isaiah 61:3, NIV)
The ancient prophet Isaiah spoke beautiful words concerning God’s Messiah. He will replace ashes with beauty, mourning with gladness, and despair with praise. We’ve all been there, that place of discouragement that tries to convince us it’s there for good and will never go away. Hopelessness is the enemy of faith, and God is in the hope-giving business. Winter will give way to spring. Cold will recede and warmer winds will prevail. Death will hand the reins to resurrection. Grace will win.
Lord, replace my despair with praise, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Dpn Dane, used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.