
Could-a, would-a, should-a,

We all have our regrets,

But till you decide wisely,

The same results you’ll get.


Some say pray about it,

And I believe in prayer,

But get yourself some action,

And God might help you there.


Sometimes you’d best just saddle up,

And get the dern thing rode,

Than sit and whine ‘bout why you can’t,

So scared that you’ll be throwed.


Everyone goes down, you see,

But then they get back up,

It’s more about your best attempt,

Than having better luck.


It’s hard to steer a truck that’s parked,

So get that thing in gear,

‘Cause if you don’t you’ll still be stuck,

Same place this time next year.


And, no, I don’t mean reckless,

Or actin’ like a fool,

I mean go do what God says,

And follow His main rule,


And that’s to live by faith in Him,

And love your fellow man,

Then go on out and get ‘er done,

By grace, the best you can.


I believe that dreams come true,

But just for those who act,

On what the Good Lord calls them to,

And step on out in fact.


So don’t be scared when Jesus says,

Get out of the boat,

‘Cause, honey, you can walk on waves,

When Jesus is your float.

“…So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus…” (Matthew 14:29, NLT)

Here is one of the most amazing stories about Jesus and His disciples, and it’s only found in the Gospel of Matthew. Are you familiar with it? Jesus approached the disciples’ boat that was being tossed about by a storm, and at first they thought they were seeing a ghost. But it was Jesus, walking to them on the waves. Simon said that if it really was the Lord, could he come to Him on the water, and Jesus said yes. So, apparently without hesitation, Simon stepped over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. No one that we know of has done this, before or since, but Simon’s faith propelled him to do it! Yes, he began to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus, but he did actually walk at least a few steps. Nothing is impossible when we walk by faith in God’s promises. Stay focused on Jesus and great things can happen.

Lord, help us step out and walk in faith, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Jess Lee, jessleephotos.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Jess, and God bless you.

Brad McClain