"Cowboy Preacher"
Just a good old cowboy preacher,
And the ranchin’ flock’s best teacher,
Stands with open book and broken heart,
Not much for spit and glory,
But he can tell a story,
And vows to God he’ll always do his part.
Can hardly recognize his nation,
For all the desecration,
Of everything he knows is right and true,
Believes we’re in the last days,
And out to gather God’s strays,
And by the Spirit does what he can do.
He stands there in a long line,
Of men who are the right kind,
Can’t be bought or forced to go away,
They’re sent by God and know it,
And aren’t afraid to show it,
And preach whatever God tells them to say.
They love the ones who hate ‘em,
But best not under-rate ‘em,
‘Cause these are ones who’ve counted up the cost,
Their passion is for Jesus,
And they know that He sees us,
Calling back to God each one who’s lost.
So pray for that good brother,
That he will find another,
Soul who needs what Jesus died to give,
And don’t doubt for a minute,
The battle, we are in it,
In Jesus’ name we can win and live.
(Dedicated to Tater Pascal)
“…And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation…” (2 Corinthians 5:19, NIV)
God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. And Paul writes that everyone who has received God’s reconciliation in Christ has been entrusted with both the ministry and message of reconciliation. This is true for every Christian, and is especially important as we get closer to Christ’s return. It also will matter less and less what approach we are led to take. Whether it cowboy or contemporary, liturgical or casual, the fact that the gospel is being preached and souls are being saved is what matters. That should be our focus.
Lord, help us focus on what really matters, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bruce Greene, used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.