
I never think about it,

That is, my cowboy cred,

Always thought it’s there or not,

And I just shake my head,

When someone is just posing,

And trying to convince,

They are authentic cowboy,

I’ve seen it ever since,

I was just a youngster,

Watching those who knew,

How to handle cattle,

I’ve studied ropes they threw.

I tried to pay attention,

To how they sat their horse,

The way they got the job done,

With all the work of course.

And sometimes we’d have one from town,

They’d try to show us how,

The best hands would just let it go,

But that brings me back to now.

They say that imitation,

Is the highest flattery,

Call it just a compliment,

To what they want to be.

And if you do know something,

Because you’ve labored there,

You never have to prove it,

You shouldn’t even care.

‘Cause being a true cowboy,

Is having a skill set,

But no matter what you know,

There’s always more to get.

And if it is important,

That other people know,

That you are not just talk or hat,

What does that really show?

It might be that you’re worried,

‘Bout things you shouldn’t be,

Just be who you really are,

Let it flow naturally.

And same goes for the Christian,

Who always feels the need,

To point out all they think they know,

Becomes an ego-feed.

Just let the Spirit take control,

He will flow right through,

And then they will see Jesus,

When they are seeing you.

“I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless becuse of what Christ has done…” (Phil. 3:7, NLT).

Paul was talking about his credibility and where he got it. His credentials included: circumcised at eight days old, a pure-blooded citizen of Israel and tribe of Benjamin, a Pharisee, and zealous defender of the Jewish law to the point of persecuting those he believed were wrong. So Paul lays out his spiritual and religious resume, then says it has no worth because of Jesus. There is great wisdom here. What gives us value, cred, and importance? Are we touchy about it or want people to give us respect because of who we are and what we’ve accomplished in life? Cowboy or whatever, it’s far too important to some people. But all this is adjusted when Jesus takes control. The things that we think are important for our identity pale in significance to the authentic spiritual identity Jesus gives us. He becomes the author of any creditability we need. He qualifies those He calls, and uses all that they are to serve His great purpose for them.

Lord, show us the value of our spiritual identity in You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Dane, dondane.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Art by Don Dane, dondane.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain