
Daddy, show your little girl,

The love she’ll later see,

When she’s looking for her man,

And what he ought to be.


And if you do not show her,

Just any jerk will do,

And that’s just who she’ll fall for,

And it’s all because of you.


Daddy, show your little boy,

How a father’s love should go,

And then when he becomes a man,

There is no doubt, he’ll know.


Show him not to be afraid,

But life’s adventure claim,

Hold him when he’s threatened,

And stand in Jesus’ name.


Give ‘em that headstart they need,

To know their Dad above,

By what  you say and what  you do,

Show them His great love.


Pray often for and with them,

Imperfect as you are,

Rely on God to help you,

‘Cause He Is close, not far.

“For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, ‘Abba! Father!’” (Romans 8:15, NAS)

Dads should give their kids a head start in knowing our heavenly Father. But ultimately, God sends His Spirit to do what only He can do. It’s the Spirit that convinces us regarding our need for Christ, and what Jesus had done for us when He died and was raised. When we receive Jesus as Savior and Lord, it is the Spirit that comes to live within us and to impart to us the gift of God’s salvation and presence. As if this were not enough, it is also the Spirit that assures us of salvation and makes it possible for us to call God our “Abba” or Daddy. This personal intimacy is only possible because the Spirit makes it so, but when it does, nothing is better. And nothing can steal it, either.

Lord, thanks for the Spirit who helps us call You Daddy, in Jesus’ name.

Brad McClain