
That dad-blamed, cussed devil,

He calls the darkness light,

And that’s why we resist him,

With all God-given might.


We know he is a liar,

And the father of all lies,

He’ll steal, kill and destroy you,

We’ve learned his often tries.


But we can wear God’s armor,

And like cattle when they run,

We can make him turn back,

In the name of Christ the Son.


And if we need to bind him,

God says that’s what we do,

With ropes of faith and fasting,

Loose people from him, too.


We’ll stand against temptation,

We speak God’s words so true,

Know that God within us,

Is stronger than we knew.


And with the blood of Jesus,

The accuser, he must go,

We’ll give our testimony,

No fear of death we’ll show.


And in the end the victory,

Is given so that we,

Are seated with the Savior,

To reign eternally.

“…the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world…” (1 John 4:4, NLT)

John is talking about dealing with people who are possessed with the spirit of antichrist. There are such people in the world and we will, at times, have to deal with them. But the battle is ultimately not with people, but with that evil spirit. John wants believers to know that the Holy Spirit within them is greater than any evil they have to resist. That’s a good thing to remember, especially when it looks like the devil is winning. He may win some battles, but we do well to remember that the war is already won. Do not resist the enemy with your own, human strength. Instead, allow the Spirit of God to fight through you. It’s the only way to win today’s battle.

Lord, do through us what only You can do, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain