
Sometimes you get the feelin’,

That you’ve done all you can do,

And all the things you’re hoping for,

Just never will come true.

You think about the wasted time,

And all of your regret,

All you wish you could re-do,

And what you can’t forget.

It can knock you down a notch,

Can really make you low,

Paralyze activity,

And steal all of your go.

So here’s what to remember,

When you feel that way,

It might feel bad this moment,

But here comes another day.

It’s fresh and new and unspent,

There’s still a horse to ride,

Air to breathe and food to eat,

And you still live inside.

You may not have the life you want,

But it ain’t over yet,

And it’s really not how many days,

Or counting those sunsets.

But more about the choice you make,

To do what you can do,

With that moment called today,

Because it’s there for you.

So sing a song and dance a dance,

And say a prayer or two,

Give a smile and extra mile,

To help a neighbor who,

May be the one, the only one,

Whose life today you bless,

But that’s the way to make your day,

Come out to be the best.

It’s little joys and lesser noise,

And loving moments seize,

It’s selfless acts on today’s tracks,

That soon your mind will ease.

The answer, see, is not to be,

Another casualty,

But give away what’s yours today,

And you will be set free.

“If you try to hang onto your life, you will lose it.” (Mt. 16:25, NLT)

Here’s ancient wisdom from Jesus. The more you hang onto it, the higher the risk of losing it. Control is an illusion, anyway. But if we insist on it, even if we win, we lose. Jesus asked what would happen if, through your effort, you gain the whole world but in the process lose your soul, your self? Would it be worth it? Absolutely not! Why? Because that loss would not be temporary, but rather eternal. We can recover from temporary losses but not that one. What is the answer? Let go of control. Give your life to Jesus Christ and others, in that order. As has been said many times, we may make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Lord, help us give ourselves first to You and then to others, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Kirstie Lambert, used by permission.  Thanks, Kirstie, and God bless you.

Photo by Kirstie Lambert, used by permission. Thanks, Kirstie, and God bless you.

Brad McClain