
The lady, she lay dying,

We went to say good-bye,

She spoke in just a whisper,

That sounded like a sigh.

All her years of trying,

Had now come down to this,

Hard work, husband, children,

And dreams most often missed.

I wondered if it saddened her,

Of if she was at peace,

The things she never finished,

Or did she feel release.

But we couldn’t really ask her,

The time was just too close,

Instead we simply took her hand,

Read words that mean the most.

Though I walk through the valley,

Of this life’s darkest shade,

I’ll know goodness and mercy,

And the blessing that God made.

Let not your heart be troubled,

Believe in God’s own Son,

The place has been prepared for you,

When your journey’s done.

And then we prayed for comfort,

That God would take control,

That her heart be filled with peace,

And the Lord receive her soul.

Asked her if there’s anything,

That we could give or do,

After we had said amen,

But nothing, then thank you.

And then it was the time to go,

But as we drove away,

We talked about her life and times,

The things folks often say,

When there in death’s still presence,

Their time coming to an end,

And heaven’s getting closer,

In a room and bed and then,

Today or yes, tomorrow,

Or the next day or the next,

Her heart will not keep beating,

Someone will send a text,

That she’s gone on to glory,

Like so many lately seems,

And the rest will go on doing,

Our activities and schemes.

But, Lord, help us to finish,

What You would have us do,

‘Cause in the end what matters,

Is if we served You true.

So few are remembered,

We’re here and then we’re gone,

But, Lord, help us redeem the time,

Whether it’s short or long.

“Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days…” (Ephesians 5:16, NLT)

It’s a bitter pill when we know it’s too late. Sometimes people say, "It’s never too late.” They’re trying to be positive and encouraging, and that’s a good thing. But, truth is, sometimes we run out of time or miss the opportunity and can’t get it back. Sad, but true. The question becomes: will we allow this reality to rob us of even more? The answer? No, in Jesus’ name! We are encouraged to redeem the time, which simply means maximize this moment’s opportunity. Paul goes on to counsel the Ephesian church and us to be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit so that we will have God’s wisdom and power to live on purpose. Life then becomes an ongoing celebration of God’s grace, as we praise Him for the victories and in spite of the failures. There is even power to submit to one another out of reverence for the Lord. If your heart is still beating, there is still an opportunity. Rise up and seize it, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, help us maximize every opportunity You give us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Alfredo Rogriguez, alfredoartist.com.  Used by permission.  Thank, Alfredo, and God bless you.

Art by Alfredo Rogriguez, alfredoartist.com. Used by permission. Thank, Alfredo, and God bless you.

Brad McClain