
Got a call the other day,

From my old cowboy friend,

He’s always an encourager,

Was good to hear from him.

But this time he surprised me,

It seems he had two mares,

Looking for a home for them,

Free to the one who cares.

And you know I love horses,

And went to pick ‘em up,

And now they’re added to our string,

I can’t believe my luck.

But really I’m not lucky,

What I am is blessed,

To have a friend like this one,

And gifts that are the best.

Every good and perfect gift,

That’s what the Bible says,

Is given by the Lord above,

And all we have is His.

Thank You, Lord, for friends You give,

And thanks for horses, too,

Thanks for loving us enough,

To bless us all, it’s true.

17 Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.[a] He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.[b] (James 1:17, NLT)

God takes pleasure in giving presents to His kids. You can relate, right? You want to bless your children and grandchildren. You love to see their eyes light up at Christmas or birthdays. Their pleasure gives you joy. Jesus said if we who are evil give good gifts to our kids, how much more will our Heavenly Father give to those who ask. James echoed this sentiment. The giver of every good and perfect gift wants to bless you. He has, He does, and He will. This is something that will never change because God never changes.

Lord, help us to thankfully receive all that You want to give us.

Brad McClain