Reaching hard and spurring fast,
I really hoped that ride would last,
But bucked off to the ground I’m cast,
The dirt is in my mouth,
Man, that thing went south.
I signed up for that cowboy role,
Felt I’d get it in my soul,
But another from me that job stole,
At least that’s how it seemed,
Until my thoughts redeemed.
Stood up in my stirrups high,
To sail my loop and make it fly,
Knew that old, wild cow I’d tie,
By gosh she got away,
Seems like so much goes that way.
But here is something that is true,
No matter what it is I do,
God’s promise to me does come through,
He works in everything,
His will, His best to bring.
When I say this don’t pretend,
That every time I get it when,
The trouble in my life won’t end,
I’m learning as I go,
And even when it’s slow.
I say by faith He is the King,
His sovereign rule o’er everything,
And even grieving helps me sing,
I stand on what He said,
He frees my life from dread.
“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them…” (Romans 8:28)
Do you love God? Are you called according to His purpose? Good questions to ask ourselves. If we love Him and have answered His call, there is an amazing promise that encompasses all of life and every experience that occurs, good or bad. It is that God is working in all that happens for His glory and our good. Amazing, don’t you think? God works in everything, sovereignly shaping the pieces, however broken and chaotic, into a beautiful kaleidoscope of beauty and power. Did it hurt? He will use it. Did you fail? He will use it. Did others fail and disappoint you? He will use it. And on it goes. Whatever happens will not be wasted no matter how tragic. Did you have a nightmarish upbringing? Nothing is beyond God’s redemptive grace. He works in everything. Believe it. Rest in it. Count on it, in Jesus’ name.
Lord, help us trust You to work in everything just as You promised, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.