"Faith It"


Way out in the distance,

There a wonder on the wind,

And when we feel its freshness,

That’s when our faith begins.


Sometimes out when horseback,

You’ll sense the coming rain,

Long before you see it,

With its moisture and its gain.


And like the showers coming,

The blessing is out there,

You can anticipate it,

But cannot say just where.


It’s not that eyes can see it,

But more like what we feel,

Still has not yet happened,

But makes it no less real.


And then you verbalize it,

You say what you believe,

It’s all a part of learning,

How we rise up to receive.


The best God to us offers,

The blessing of His love,

On earth His will as clearly,

As in heaven up above.


But someone has to see it,

Before it can be seen,

And someone must believe it,

With vision that is keen.


And someone then must say it,

As if it has just been,

Counting it already done,

Before all see it when.


The walk of faith exciting,

We boldly claim and yet,

It can really stretch you,

‘Fore you your blessing get.


But don’t give up, my brother,

And sister, don’t you cry,

All that He has promised,

Will come in God’s own time.

“Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see…” (Heb. 11:1, NLT)

This verse gives us a short definition of faith. It has to do with expectation concerning something that has not yet happened, but being as certain about it as if it already has. The Christmas season is a time when we celebrate what we believe about Jesus coming into the world. The songs, the lights, the gift-giving- all are ways we remember the arrival of God’s Son to save the world. And our faith in Jesus is central to both time and eternity. This is also a time when many people become acutely aware of the things that are missing from their lives. Some feel desperately alone, depressed and discouraged. The pandemic and all that has come as a result has been challenging for the strongest believers. Still, faith is the victory that overcomes the world. By faith we are saved and healed. By faith we endure the trials and problems that come our way. We put our trust in Jesus and find ways to faith our way through. If your faith has been weakened lately, get with someone who can encourage you. If your faith is strong, spread it. The world needs more!

Lord, strengthen our faith and help us to overcome every obstacle, in Jesus’ name.

Photography from Brent Prince, used by permission.  Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.

Photography from Brent Prince, used by permission. Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.

Brad McClain