"Faith Through"
The Good Book says we learn it,
By going through hard times,
And when the trouble happens,
We go back to those lines.
It says if we’re in trouble,
To call upon His name,
And He will give us wisdom,
In spite of all our pain.
But asking and receiving,
Must have no double mind,
Means we aren’t second guessing,
If we’ll be left behind.
We ask in faith believing,
And by grace have no doubt,
We give up our agenda,
And any sense of clout,
‘Bout anything but Jesus,
He means so much, it’s true,
And He will send His Spirit,
To show us what to do.
The trial you thought would break you,
God says will break your pride,
And teach you what you need to know,
With Jesus by Your side.
So changing and responding,
To the trouble that we know,
Becomes the way our lives are changed,
And with God’s light set aglow.
So if your hell persisting,
Won’t let go of you,
And you think you’re resisting,
Just ain’t gettin’ through.
Just keep on going, brother,
In hell you dare not stop,
But keep on fighting through it,
And turn to Christ, your Rock.
You will learn the lesson,
You get no other way,
No one can steal it from you,
So faith on through today.
“For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow…” (James 1:3, NLT)
No one likes it. We just want whatever it is to be over as soon as possible. I’ve never heard the most dedicated people pray for the Lord to allow their testing to last longer so that they may learn more! Nope. Everyone wants relief from pain, grief, sorrow, heartbreak and trouble. But we all have it in some form, and some worse than others. The good news is that nothing is ever wasted. When, not if, troubles come our way it becomes a catalyst for our lives to change and to become more like Jesus. This is the ultimate goal of life, and God is faithful to use everything that happens to us for His glory and our good. Keep going. Faith on through it. Better days are ahead.
Lord, help us learn from our trials and faith through our trouble, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudios.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.