

Never ceases to amaze me,

How some old cowfolk boy,

Plowing out a crooked row,

And nearly to destroy,


All that is a blessing,

And all that he should do,

But now he’s just plumb crazy,

And all y’all know it, too.


That same old hell-bent outlaw,

With just a touch of grace,

Will change his ways and turn to God,

Find Jesus’ smiling face.


And when he does, it is for real,

He gets more than they thought,

Something shore has happened,

It was better caught, than taught.


And now they somehow wonder,

‘Bout when he got bucked off,

Concussed his head, knocked him out,

When that bronc sent him aloft.


And even his old granny,

Who prayed for him for years,

Wonders if how he acts now,

Was that injury, she fears.


‘Cause he stopped being normal,

Least that’s what they say,

And some thought it was better,

When he lived the outlaw way.


Yes, he’s become a fool for Christ,

But he would then ask you,

True he lives for Jesus,

But just whose fool are you?

“If you think you are wise by this world’s standards, you need to become a fool to be truly wise…” (1 Corinthians 3:18, NLT)

What this world defines as “normal” may not come close to what God says about living a happy, healthy life. In fact, the scriptures counsel us to become fools in the world’s eyes so that we might receive God’s wisdom, which looks like foolishness to them! Belonging to Jesus changes our perspective on morality and mercy, and the life that Jesus lives through us will be characterized by a whole new approach to every relationship. How we view success, material wealth, and the worth of human beings are all included, as well as having an eternal perspective on life itself. Everything changes! Fools, indeed!

Lord, help us embrace Your perspective on everything, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mike Capron, used by permission. Thanks, Mike, and God bless you.

Brad McClain