"Full Out"


More than half of getting there,

Happens when you start,

It’s starting up a new thing,

That takes a lot of heart.


And that’s because so many,

Are stuck in habits long,

It’s not that they don’t mean well,

Or that they are all wrong.


But they might think you’re crazy,

If after all this time,

Of being so predictable,

You try a whole new line.


But it’s great that you imagined,

A whole new way to be,

Or maybe added something,

You always wished to see.


You sit and draw a picture,

You learn to play guitar,

You speak another language,

You wish upon a star.


You go and help your neighbor,

The one just down the street,

You listen to the symphony,

You dance yourself to sleep.


You love with joy and passion,

You give yourself away,

Forgive all those who’ve hurt you,

Let go of yesterday.


Enjoy the ones God gives you,

Endure the ones you must,

Find those you can count on,

Confide in those you trust.


You write a line of poetry,

Sounds just like Dr. Seuss,

But you do it anyway,

And somehow you break loose,


From what the rest are thinking,

And doing all the time,

You go outside your comfort zone,

And find you’ll be just fine.


You give yourself permission,

To love and laugh and play,

You go where God is calling you,

And at the end of day,


You praise the Lord for everything,

And all the new you know,

And realize He is blessing you,

Before your time to go.


Make it count, my brother,

And, sister, do the same,

Live while you are living,

Full out, in Jesus’ name.

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life…” (John 10:10, NLT)

The life that Jesus died to give us is described as “rich and satisfying” in this translation. In others it is translated simply “abundant” life. It is most accurately described as “super-abundant.” Yet, that is not the impression many people give when describing their life in Christ. That’s because all they talk about is what they have had to sacrifice and endure. There is something wrong with this testimony. Why? It’s not that we have no challenges, nor should we minimize the cost of discipleship in any way. We must die to ourselves in order to live, and following Jesus doesn’t shield us from trouble. That said, it’s “super-abundant” life! Better than anything the world offers, and better than most of us could imagine otherwise. But it means living the adventure of obedience to Him. When we do, He will lead us to do what we thought impossible. The joys of that life are immeasurable. Get some.

Lord, help us live full out for You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Teal Blake, tealblake.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Teal, and God bless you.

Brad McClain