"God's Smile"

Like water off a duck’s back,

Off some awning there in place,

The critics and complainers,

Can’t alter up your pace.

If you pay them no attention,

And give them no concern,

They cannot steal your progress,

It’s something we all learn.

Unless we choose to give them,

Something they demand,

We are better off if,

We put it in God’s hand.

‘Cause when it comes down to it,

It’s not what people think,

But if He gives approval,

And there investment sink.

If folks give admiration,

And offer their applause,

All well and good, we like it,

But don’t give a single pause,

If they think you are crazy,

And don’t know wrong from right,

Just keep on with your vision,

And walking in the light.

God says He’ll supply us,

We’ll have all that we need,

We’re either in the harvest,

Or planting a new seed.

But day by day we’re living,

And learning it by faith,

Trusting in the Savior,

And the Holy Spirit’s rate.

‘Cause that’s the final issue,

Did we have His smile,

Did we do His bidding,

And go the extra mile.

Never ask permission,

If God gives you His yes,

Just ask someone to help you,

And always do your best.

And then when you are finished,

You’ll hear Him say well-done,

My good and faithful servant,

And now your race is run.

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones…” (Luke 16:10, NLT)

If you pursue what the world appraises as valuable, the opinions of men will be very important to you. But if what you value is God’s will, He assesses things differently. Never despise the day of small responsibility, because it is in that season that we learn how to steward greater blessing. Excluding what is popular or politically correct may get you nowhere with the world, but with God it’s all bout faithfulness. Nothing more, nothing less and nothing else. God is looking for people He can trust with the Kingdom agenda of changing the whole world. It’s worth whatever it takes to get it done, and those who cooperate with God’s grace will have a leading role. May we handle it well.

Lord, make us oblivious to what people think and totally committed to You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission.  Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain