"Grace Link"

There is a grace connection,

And when you feel it’s there,

The grace flows right between you,

It’s something that you share.

With a brother or a sister,

A kindred soul you touch,

And they become the blessing,

That you need so much.

The grace that they are needing,

You are glad to give,

And just the same receiving,

What you need to live.

For Jesus and for others,

And strong encouragement,

But if the grace keeps flowing,

It may mean that you’re sent,

To share that grace with others,

A godly partnership,

Where lives are touched and transformed,

And they can take a sip,

Of the living, flowing water,

That overflows from you,

Teamed up with the other,

To quench all their thirst, too.

So let grace be the reason,

You flourish and you grow,

Connect with those who help you,

Spread God’s love and show,

The best of God’s good party,

The peace He always grants,

The harvest celebrating,

And every seed He plants.

“For by grace you have been saved…” (Eph. 2:8, NKJV)

It’s grace alone that saves us. That means we are given something we don’t deserve and cannot earn. Once received by faith, the grace becomes the energizing force of our lives. The grace of God, supplied by the Holy Spirit, becomes the strength to do whatever God is calling us to do. This grace often becomes evident in our spiritual relationships, and when grace persists, it often means we are called into a spiritual partnership which produces eternal fruit. There is an assignment in it, and when fulfilled, the grace flows to meet the needs of others. All of this depends much more upon availability than ability, on cooperating rather than coercing something to happen. Rather than make it happen, we let it happen. And it’s all about grace received, given and passed along to others. It truly is amazing!

Lord, help us to recognize, share and be led by Your grace, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tyler Crow, tylercrow.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Tyler, and God bless you.

Art by Tyler Crow, tylercrow.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tyler, and God bless you.

Brad McClain