"Hard Case"
Some don’t sport a shoulder chip,
But more like a forest of trees,
Touchy they, with lots of lip,
Contentious, if you please.
And watch out when they are around,
‘Cause, brother, they’ll react,
To almost any sight or sound,
And no doubt the odds are stacked,
That somehow you will get a rise,
From something that you say,
What they do should not surprise,
They’re bound to act that way.
But you’re wrong if you appease them,
‘Cause indulging makes it worse,
Only Jesus can release them,
Their life is so perverse.
But because it’s possible,
We canot write them off,
God crosses the uncrossable,
And lifts their souls aloft.
But till then we pray and try,
To point them the right way,
We call upon the Lord on high,
And do it everyday
“Do all things without grumbling or disputing.” (Philippians 2:14, NAS)
All things means everything, and leaves no wiggle room! There is not place in a Christians’a life for complaining or arguing. None, period. The challenge often comes from those who are stuck in a contentious habit and can’t seem to function without it. Appeasement is never the answer because we end up enabling them. But it’s very challenging to ever plan any sort of confrontation. In any case, how we respond and what we do should be a matter of prayer and the leadership of the Spirit. he will help us make a difference in the lives of those whose bitterness is a stronghold.
Lord, use us to set the contentious on the road to healing and deliverance, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Shawn Cameron, used by permission. Thanks, Shawn, and God bless you.