"Hawk and Owl"
When the sun sets of an evening,
And all my work is done,
Horses fed and eatin’,
And long the shadows run.
I think about my history,
The days and years come back,
A lot that is a mystery,
And wisdom that I lack.
Regrets come with the nightfall,
Like rain that’s falling down,
And then I hear the hawk call,
Didn’t know that he’s around.
And then I hear the owl hoot,
A-callin’ to his mate,
I won’t let it take root,
My old sins and past mistakes.
My friend, the hawk, reminds me,
That I am cleansed and free,
The past no longer binds me,
And it’s my destiny.
To soar upon the breezes,
And fly above the pain,
The Spirit soon releases,
And I’m relieved again.
And that hoot owl often tells me,
If I take time to seek,
God will give His wisdom,
Every second, day and week.
To make the right decisions,
By grace He helps me stand,
And it won’t need revision,
‘Cause it is in His hands.
So there the last light’s leaving,
The moon rise clear and bright,
When the sun sets of an evening,
I know I’ll be all right.
“They will soar high on wings like eagles…” (Isaiah 40:31, NLT)
Someone said it’s hard to soar with eagles when you have to live with turkeys! Okay, okay…but you understand, don’t you? Life is too challenging and regrets run too deep for us to always feel like we can soar. To think otherwise is to trivialize the very real trauma that people go through, just trying to survive the best way they know how. That said, most need a reminder that soaring is still possible, and the Lord wants to empower us to fly. Remember that. God wants you to fly, no matter what you’ve done or how long it’s been since you even talked to HIm. Those who trust in Him, wait on Him, depend upon Him…Those are the ones He enables, not because He loves them more but because they’ve made themselves available to Him. They’ve positioned themselves in faith and have started looking up instead of down. Look up! You can, so you should.
Lord, help us to soar, in Jesus’ name.
Art by R.S. Riddick, used by permission. Thanks, R.S., and God bless you.