"He Ain't?"
Some think he ain’t no Christian,
As if they’re free to judge,
It’s best not with them argue,
‘Cause unlikely they will budge.
But it’s not what they are thinking,
That makes it true or not,
‘Cause my good friend, the cowboy,
Though has a lot,
Of ragged ways and wooly,
Still he loves the Lord,
He’s fought many battles,
And used the Spirit’s sword.
And, yes, he’ll sip some whiskey,
But not so much these days,
And sometimes there’s a cussword,
When some old cow won’t haze.
He still has got some anger,
His temper sometimes flares,
But he’s gotten over fightin’,
When he goes out somewheres.
And sometimes you don’t see him,
In church on Sunday morn,
Especially the season,
When baby calves are born.
But if you need a brother,
He will stand with you,
Got your back and loyal,
And in his heart he’s true.
And he loves little children,
And has a great respect,
For old folks and their memories,
That shows he’s kind I ‘spect.
A light hand with his horses,
A friend you can believe,
He’ll show up when you need him,
And more give than receive.
So is he a Christian?
He clearly show his love,
For Jesus and for people,
And when push comes to shove,
I’d rather have this cowboy,
With his ragged, wooly ways,
Than a bunch of judgy church folks,
Who fill up their days,
With criticizing others,
And trying to find fault,
Not what Jesus taught us,
Nor what a Christian ought.
So long live the cowboy,
And say a little prayer,
That if you ever need him,
He’ll show up and be there.
“Why does your teacher eat with such scum…?” (Mt. 9:11, NLT}
The Pharisees missed the point about as much as is possible. They judged the Son of God for associating with all the wrong people. How was that possible? Hard to believe, isn’t it? And they were the ones who knew the scriptures best, and had all the religious answers. Yet they judged Jesus because He sat down and ate with those they considered unworthy. The reason they missed the point is that they did not understand grace. To them, one earned God’s blessing and favor. Yet this is humanly impossible. If God’s love is merit-based, those who try harder and live better will get more of it. But those who don’t will miss out. Jesus came to show us God loves us all, unconditionally, and He meets us right where we are in order to take us to the place we need to be. He does not excuse us, but offers to heal us entirely. The only ones who miss the healing are those who think they don’t need it. God help us if we feel that way.
Lord, help us to love those You died to save, in Jesus’ name.
Pic with grandson, Leo.