"Heaven's Horses"
I hear the distant hoofbeats,
They come one day for me,
Thousands upon thousands,
White horses running free.
The endless train of victors,
Eternal song of praise,
Galloping together,
Kingdom spirits raise.
There is Christ our Leader,
Flaming eyes so bright,
Filled with holy judgment,
Bringing heaven’s might.
Evil will be conquered,
Tears all wiped away,
Every wrong is righted,
With that eternal day.
There with heaven’s horses,
Redemption drawing nigh,
Gone to be with Jesus,
Forever in the sky.
“The I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for He judges fairly and wages a righteous war.” (Revelation 19:11, NLT).
The Bible is literally full of encouragement concerning the return of the Lord. The biblical authors, inspired by the Holy Spirit, reminded the churches that no matter how severe their trials and persecution, the day would come when Jesus would right every wrong. Believing and knowing it was true gave them strength when they faced overwhelming challenges. When facing the threat of the corona virus we would do well to remember that Jesus is Lord and He will have the final say. Not the press, not the politicians, and not even the medical professionals who are trying so hard to help us. Thank God for everyone who is doing their part to deal with this deadly disease, but remember, all things will not be made right until Jesus returns. Every aspect of the curse, including disease, will be completely removed at that time. Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess. Every enemy will be conquered, and the final one to be destroyed is death itself. Look up in faith, and never give up. Jesus is coming back.
Lord, encourage us with the truth of Your return, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Brent Flory, brentflory.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.