When somehow the cows get out,
We always get a call,
From a neighbor down the road,
And they don’t mind at all.
But really want to help us,
Get the cattle back,
If we need assistance,
We don’t have any lack.
It’s just a small example,
Of small things people do,
To really help each other,
And no doubt it is true,
They’re people all around us,
We could use a helping hand,
I say, just pray about it,
The Good Lord says we can.
And, no not everybody,
‘Cause that would be too much,
But just sometime somebody,
Whom we reach out and touch.
Maybe even in your family,
They have a special need,
If we pay attention,
We can plant a happy seed.
The love that God has shown us,
Is meant to give away,
And the Lord will show us,
How we can share today.
“So, then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” (Galatians 6:10, NAS)
That’s just it! We are given opportunities all the time! We just have to see the doors God is opening to us. Then, do some good for somebody. This is not complicated. It is not rocket science. It’s simply waking up to the next moment when we can help. God will bless us and it’s the very best way to live.
Lord, help us help somebody, in Jesus’ name.
Art by R.S. Riddick, used by permission. Thanks, Mr. Riddick, and God bless you.