

I said we needed helpers,

To gather all those steers,

I told ‘em after Sunday church,

Words fell on deafened ears.


But one young man said he would come,

And I said, well, all right,

And when he showed up at the ranch,

He was quite a sight.


He’d bought himself a black, straw hat,

With a big, old turkey feather,

I asked him if he’d ever rode,

I needed to know whether,


To put him on a horse or not,

Or let him help on foot,

He said he was a horseman,

Experienced, to boot.


And speaking of his cowboy boots,

He wore the pointy kind,

I think they were some shade of red,

And really quite a find.


Dad was calling, hurry,

When we trotted from the yard,

I thought our new hand might fall off,

He bounced around so hard.


And that’s just how he rode all day,

Never faster than a trot,

The pony we had saddled up,

Was hard-gaited and would not,


Do more than you made him,

But if you made him do,

He would turn and watch a cow,

And gather one, it’s true.


We pushed those steers all morning,

Our friend did not fall off,

All the while Dad hollered,

But I refused to scoff.


‘Cause least he came to help us,

And I was glad he did,

Although he didn’t know a thing,

He was a willing kid.


I find in this a lesson,

God spoke it to my mind,

He’s not looking for the qualified,

But those he came to find,


Are those who may know nothing,

But are willing to be taught,

And show up when they say they will,

Their humble heart they brought.


God qualifies all those He calls,

Not any other way,

But that gives hope to everyone,

When comes His gather day.

“God has given each of you a gift from His great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (1 Peter 4:10, NLT)

Most people who have worked cattle have had people who didn’t know anything about livestock but wanted to help. It can be quite a challenge! But what’s even more challenging is having someone who is arrogant and thinks they know, but they really don’t. The spiritual point is clear. If someone humbly wants to help, they can, even though there is a learning curve involved. But if someone is arrogant, it’s better for them, and everyone else, for them to get some humility before they try. God, in fact, calls people to serve who may not feel qualified to do what He wants them to do. The Bible has many examples. But God qualified them as they went. They were humble, and it triggered the grace they needed. All of us have gifts God will use to serve others. Let’s get to it.

Lord, help us to exercise our gifts to serve others well, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Owen, used by permission. Thanks, and God bless you.

Brad McClain