
It’s sometimes snorty horses,

Or cattle hard to drive,

Often it’s the weather,

That challenge all their strive,


To do the job required,

The livestock that they tend,

No so much complaining,

But right down to the end,


Of every day of labor,

When they have to get it done,

Sometimes whatever’s pressing,

Has to wait till next day’s run.


The best ones will all tell you,

They do everything they can,

But know the sun will still come up,

And so tomorrow’s plan,


Is take right up where they left off,

Go back to gather clean,

Don’t worry much about it,

Or what all could have been.


‘Cause, see, today is wasted,

If yesterday’s too large,

And all that should have happened,

Can oftentimes take charge.


Today has its own problems,

But some things do not change,

The day and night, the dark and light,

Measures this world’s range.


The thing to do is learn it,

Not fight or fear what is,

But remember each day is a gift,

And all of life is His.

“This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it…” (Psalm 118:24, NLT)

What day is the Psalmist talking about? He is speaking of the day of redemption, when the builders rejected Jesus, the very “cornerstone” of all that is worth constructing. Because of that day, when Jesus gave Himself to die, followed by His resurrection, every day that we live is a gift from God and another opportunity to honor HIm. Because of that day, this day is important! Jesus warned us not to worry about tomorrow, because each day has enough trouble of its own. How true! Life is to be lived one day at a time, without allowing yesterday or tomorrow to encroach. Staying focused, thankful, and purposeful will maximize the day. Don’t miss it.

Lord, help us rejoice and be glad in the day You have given us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Anton, billantonstudios.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Brad McClain