"Horseback Blessing"

 When I loosened those old cinches,

And I slid his bridle off,

Just as the sun was setting,

And the first stars flew aloft.


I thanked the Lord for hours spent,

A horseback where I’ve been,

And the blessing of the circle,

And when I’ll go back again.


That’s if the Good Lord’s willing,

And everything works out,

You know that my best prayin’,

Happens when I ride about.


Breathe air that no one else has breathed,

Go where few have gone,

Looking for the remnants,

Left behind for oh so long.


And, no, it could not happen,

If I tried to make it so,

But only ‘cause the Lord is good,

And He will let me go.


Away to those far ranges,

Where the hawk is on the wing,

And some cattle are as wild as deer,

And those old coyotes sing.


And you’re glad you’re in the saddle,

And you know that you are blessed,

When you lift your heart to heaven,

Feel more lucky than the rest.


Just to be a cowboy,

Or maybe close enough,

At least you know the difference,

With those who pose real tough.


But that’s another story,

And best we don’t go there,

But remember that the blessings,

Are what we want to share.


From the waves of southern waters,

To the falls of Idaho,

It’s been a horseback blessing,

‘Bout everywhere we go.

“Oh the joys who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night…” (Psalm 1:1-2)

The advice you follow is a very big deal. You can unwittingly be influenced by the counsel of the wicked merely by exposing yourself habitually to those who do not love God. Don’t follow their advice, stand around with them, or sit in the seat of the scornful, the Psalmist said. We may not be able to physically remove ourselves from their presence in our lives, but we can limit and disregard their influence upon us. On the other hand, if we delight in the Lord and meditate on His word and will, our lives will receive blessings untold. No, life is not perfect this side of heaven. But if we live it God’s way, He promises to prosper everything we do and make us productive. We have choices to make every day, to either cooperate with the Lord or be sabotaged by the world. Choose wisely.

Lord, help us make wise choices, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Dane, dondane.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain