I know one when I see one,
And my goal always to be,
One who rode just like ‘em,
Their skill inspiring me.
Might be a polo player,
Hunter jumper or dressage,
Or someone barrel racing,
Or a big cowboy collage.
So when you see a horseman,
Do you know what you see,
If he is a good one,
Or if the he’s a she.
One thing I have noticed,
Is their hands upon the reins,
And if they use them lightly,
Or jerking to make change.
I notice how they’re using,
Their legs and both their feet,
And if the horse and rider,
Have two minds that meet.
Are they riding sloppy,
And bouncing all around,
Or do they have a good seat,
With balance they have found.
Would you trust ‘em with your pony,
Or would you think stay away,
Because of what they’re doing,
Or even what they say.
I’m thankful for the horseman,
Who taught me what I know,
And I am always learning,
By what the good ones show.
And I’m thankful that the Good Lord,
Has taken time with me,
Felt His gentle leading,
And helped me to see.
That so much like the horseman,
That has the gentle touch,
The grace to change and guide me,
Has meant to me so much.
“Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live?” (Heb. 12:9, NKJV)
Our heavenly Father loves us exactly the way we are and freely gives us His love. His love meets us exactly where we are, with all the baggage we bring. But He loves us too much to indulge our sin and leave us stranded in the place He found us. And the Father is intentional about the changes that are necessary to come into His purpose. He “chastens” us which simply means He disciplines us. And that discipline is a sign that He loves us. It’s a wonderful thing to know the security of sonship, exemplified by the Fathers’ ongoing commitment to us. It can also be painful, but is so worth it!
Lord, help us to accept Your discipline, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Dane, dondane.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.