
When a pony gets to hurtin’,

Can’t see it right away,

But eventually he’ll show it,

That he is not okay.

Sometimes he’ll just act snorty,

Or he might even buck,

If you don’t pay attention,

You’ll sure run out of luck.

Same old way with people,

Some go on for so long,

Hiding things that hurt ‘em,

And here’s why that is wrong.

It comes out with their anger,

And rudeness when they’re crossed,

Full of unforgiveness,

Reactions when they’re bossed.

Sad thing that’s about it,

Jesus died to heal,

But they just won’t let Him,

Their bitterness too real.

It gives place to the devil,

Who loves so much to see,

Division among people,

And church especially.

So if you’re like that pony,

That’s carrying his hurt,

Let me give you warning,

And please heed this alert.

That old root of bitterness,

Is poison through and through,

And God says unforgiveness,

Will stop Him forgiving you.

Forgive us, Lord, our trespasses,

As we forgiveness give,

Lord, keep Your grace a-flowin’,

So we learn how to live.

“Get rid of all bitterness…” (Ephesians 4:31, NLT)

Bitterness is described by scripture as something that roots itself in our souls and poisons us. Not only that, the poison can impact others when we react to them out of our hurts rather than by the Holy Spirit. What is the answer, especially if you have carried your hurt for a long time? The only answer is to intentionally surrender your bitterness, hurt and resentment to God, and be willing for it to change. Some have so intimately identified with their bitterness they can hardly imagine themselves without it. But the beauty of God’s grace is that He will heal and liberate us from bitterness. He will empower us to forgive others. And He will help us remember without pain. Choose it, in Jesus’ name.

Lord, we ask that You free us from all bitterness, and live through us by Your Spirit, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Glynnis Miller, used by permission. Thanks, Glynnis, and God bless you.

Brad McClain