"I Went"


I went there, never questioned,

Why I felt I was sent,

It was because the Spirit,

Said so, and I went.


But after I had been there,

It didn’t take too long,

I found that I expected,

Some things that I got wrong.


I thought there would be welcome,

Rolled carpet maybe red,

That they’d be glad to see me,

But that’s not what they said.


It’s not that they reacted,

It’s like they didn’t care,

I wasn’t persecuted,

It’s like I wasn’t there.


Don’t know if you’re connected,

To some people, place or thing,

But never underestimate,

The safety that they bring.


And nothing wrong with having,

Those connections sure,

But it seems the Lord is telling me,

That’s not what will endure.


What then, Lord, please reveal it,

You said go, I went,

And then there came His answer,

I believe the Spirit sent.


The Lord alone is safety,

His will won’t always mean,

We’re admired, appreciated,

And if not, to stay clean,

We must turn to Jesus,

And let Him be enough,

And of course He always is,

But when the season’s rough,


Remember grace sufficient,

Even with a thorn,

Allow Him to renew our strength,

When we are tired and worn.


Jesus, joy of living,

You’re everything to me,

And help me to remember,

That You will always be.

“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness…” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NLT)

We know it’s true, but still put our confidence and trust in other things to give us what we need. Bottom line: it’s grace and grace alone that is sufficient to meet every need we have. What do you need? What thorn would you like to be removed? Sometimes they are, and thank God for it! But when they aren’t, God gives grace to overcome. And when we feel the weakest, it’s when the power of God’s grace works the best. That was Paul’s testimony, and his words were inspired by the Spirit to help us as we struggle with the thorns in our lives. This is especially true when we do something in obedience to the Lord and then things don’t go the way we expect. Grace. Amazing grace. It’s enough- always.

Lord, help us lay hold of the grace that is sufficient for every need and challenge we face, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain