"It Came to Pass"
I was raised on old King Jimmy,
That’s the Bible called King James,
And in old English language,
The thee and thou proclaims,
A phrase stuck in my memory,
It says, “it came to pass,”
Which simply means it happened,
Whether slow or fast.
And often when I’m struggling,
I remember that old phrase,
It happened or it’s happening,
But don’t believe it stays.
The challenge, it is passing,
And with it pain and grief,
And by God’s grace we’re waiting,
For Him to give relief.
It came to pass, it always will,
And when it does, hooray,
Longer than we hoped for,
But might get gone today.
“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy…” (James 1:2, NLT)
How can troubles be counted as joy? This can be done only if troubles are not allowed to have the upper hand or the last say. God uses troubles to teach His children many valuable lessons, including how to trust in the Lord while experiencing challenges. The goal of God is to develop our character and make like Jesus, perfect and complete and needing nothing. But there are no shortcuts and the only way is to pass through the trials of life by faith. Then, and only then, do we see past the trouble to the joy awaiting us. Claim it, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Dane, dondane.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.