"I've Seen 'Em"
Kicked hay off to the yearlings,
When it was sleety, cold and bad,
I’ve had to rope and doctor ‘em,
Ice hangin’ from my saddle pad.
I’ve run ‘em through the muddy,
When it all begins to thaw,
And I’ve buried many dead ones,
Worst things I ever saw.
I’ve gathered in fine weather,
With lots of sun and clear,
Felt the wind caress my whiskers,
And felt the Spirit near.
And I’ve done all this with cowboys,
As I worked with them I watched,
No matter what we’re doin’,
They got with it, never scotched.
Seen cowboys cry like babies,
When a child was hurt or sick,
I’ve seen ‘em fight a stranger,
When a friend got in a thick.
I’ve stood there with ‘em gathered,
‘Round their partner sick in bed,
When he’s tryin’ hard to say good-bye,
One last time before he’s dead.
And I’ve seen ‘em with their hats off,
When the flag is flyin’ high,
And the legends there are honored,
I will tell you, it’s no lie,
I’ve seen the very worst of them,
Help someone in distress,
Not to mention all the helping hands,
You get from all the best.
I guess that what I’m tellin’ you,
Those who live the cowboy way,
Are a throwback to what used to be,
And what I’m tryin’ to say,
Is that these old boys ain’t perfect,
But it goes a real long way,
When a man will look you in the eye,
And will keep his word today.
And, yes, we all need savin’,
And Jesus is the One,
But I get this feeling,
When all is said and done,
That some of these old cowboys,
Who do the best they can,
And put their trust in Jesus,
Are the best hope for our land.
Men who still will work like men,
And aren’t just bluff and talk,
But follow Jesus all the way,
And show it by their walk.
“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2, NIV)
Paul’s disciple-making strategy was simple but it worked. He reminded his protege Timothy to think about what Paul had modeled and spoke to him, then encouraged him to entrust what he had learned in the process to reliable men. The key word here is reliable. The implication is that they are there and if you seek them out, they will be the ones who are most receptive to the Gospel and their responsibility to spread it. They may not be reliable when they are converted, but Jesus has a way of taking people who are otherwise impossible to help or change, and transform them. Paul tells Timothy to invest in these men who will then pass along the truth to others. The Kingdom is extended relationally through the mentorship of trustworthy people.
Lord, help us pass along what You are teaching us to others who will also spread Your word, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Weller, used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.