"Just Yesterday"

 It was only yesterday,

When as a child went out to play,

And outside with my dog I’d stay,

Till Mama called me in,

Just yesterday was when.


It was only yesterday,

My little pony ran away,

And I fell off, not hurt, okay,

And Dad said get back on,

Just yesterday, not long.


It was only yesterday,

My driving test I passed, they say,

I graduated high school, yea,

And got an undergrad degree,

They educated me.


It was only yesterday,

I cowboyed up and worked that way,

Then grad degree, a three year stay,

And off to do ministry,

For years and years to be.


It was only yesterday,

Married up with children, they,

Have their own kids, now I’m gray,

An old grandaddy now,

Just yesterday, somehow.


It was only yesterday,

My old Daddy passed away,

Then, sister, mother, double play,

My children’s mother, too,

Just yesterday, it’s true.


It was only yesterday,

She came to me, will always stay,

God made us one, by grace His way,

Until by death we part,

Till then she has my heart.


It was only yesterday,

I found the Lord and heard Him say,

I will be your hope and stay,

He gave to me His peace,

From my past sins release.


And I look back, just yesterday,

A little kid, outside to play,

How quickly did it pass away,

God numbers all our days,

His grace is ours always.


It was only yesterday,

And life is fleeting, come what may,

Tomorrow brings eternal day,

When I’ll go home, it’s true,

Pray you’ll come with me, too.

“Your sun will never set; your moon will not go down. For the Lord will be your everlasting light. Your days of mourning will come to an end…” (Isaiah 60:20, NLT)

Life is abundant for those who follow Jesus. In spite of life’s trouble, trials, heartbreak and tribulation, we have God’s grace and peace, the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which Paul calls the “down payment” of heaven. But as we grow older, we become more aware of how quickly life passes by. Our own mortality affects us, and we think more about the life to come. Ultimately God promises an end to life as we know it, followed by eternal life where all mourning ceases, and every tear is wiped away. It brings to my mind an old song we used to sing: “Come and go with me to my Father’s house, where there’s joy, joy, joy. “ Eternal joy, indeed, and joy on the way as well.

Lord, fill our days with eternal purpose and joy, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Weller, donweller.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain