The light has strongest power,
When in the darkest night,
Just a tiny spark is there,
Though distant, clear to sight.
A candle In a stadium,
A lighthouse cross the bay,
A star up in the inky sky,
Ten million miles away.
The light that comes with sunrise,
And fades when sun has set,
The colors that the light creates,
No artist captures yet.
The lightning when it flashes,
Across the stormy air,
The shocking bolts of energy,
We all have seen them there.
And then when rain has finished,
The colors bow the sky,
Light through the clouds refracted,
God’s promise from on high.
And when the Savior came to earth,
A star of light arose,
Followed by the strangers,
And everybody knows,
It was God’s light that led them,
To the newborn king they came,
To humbly offer gifts of praise,
To honor Jesus’ name.
And when the scriptures speak of Him,
Tells us He is the Light,
That overcomes the darkness,
And gives the blind their sight.
He came into His own, they said,
His own received Him not,
But all those who believe in Him,
For sure the light they got.
And, Lord knows, we need it,
For the darkness is so strong,
Demons fierce they threaten,
Valleys deep and long.
But God says we are wearing,
The armor made of light,
And we don’t fear the darkness,
‘Cause He helps us win the fight.
So, Lord, drive out the darkness,
Fill us with light so we,
Can point them to the only One,
Who saves eternally.
“The one who is the true light, who gives light to everyone, was coming into the world…” (John 1:9, NLT)
Light…the mere word fills our minds with images of beauty and power. In the beginning God said let there be light, and there was…Isn’t it interesting that the light was the first on the creation list? Jesus came into the world as the light personified, offering an experience of God’s light that could be received no other way. All the chaos, tragedy and nightmare that the darkness represents could not extinguish the light of God’s presence and love. Light wins. We should never forget it, especially when the darkness seems overwhelming. It only seems that way, but it’s not. In fact, the opposite is true. The light overwhelms the darkness and drives it away. Away for and from us, and all those who receive it…all those who receive Him. One more thing: He gives the light. It is unearned and unmerited, yet the gift is given. It is the gift of Jesus, giving us Himself. Be filled with light this Christmas.
Lord, fill us with Your light, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Jack Sorenson, jacksorensonfineart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Jack, and God bless you.