"Little Mare"

I really loved this little mare,

She just had the look,

Of a wonderful cow pony,

And I thought in my book,

She’s prolly worth the money,

So I bid and wrote a check,

Never gave a second thought,

To any kind of wreck.

She didn’t like the trailer,

She kicked the cut gate loose,

She neighed and raised a ruckus,

And let me know no use,

To even try to calm her,

She had a made-up mind,

So I got home fast as I could,

And got her fed just fine.

Next morning went to see her,

And could not find my mare,

She’d unlatched the barn gate,

A-grazin’ grass out there.

Way down in the pasture,

She let me lead her back,

Put her in the ropin’ pen,

Locked in with no more slack.

That afternoon I saddled,

And off we rode just fine,

I roped a little yearling,

We doctored in no time.

And she never flinched a minute,

Tracked and worked the rope,

And I was thinkin’ happy,

This little mare gave hope.

And that way all the afternoon,

Had to rope two more,

I was feelin’ confident,

‘Bout what was soon in store.

But right before I finished,

Almost back to the house,

Ridin’ ‘long just slack-reined,

And quiet as a mouse,

The little mare just broke in half,

And, brother, she could buck,

Stopped before she threw me off,

Thankful for my luck.

Been years now since I bought her,

Gets humpy now and then,

But I would never trade her,

She’s been this cowboy’s friend.

I cannot find the bottom,

She’ll try and give you more,

A mixed bag when I got her,

Cow pony to the core.

And there I think’s a lesson,

‘Bout how God works with us,

We all have our problems,

But instead of shame and fuss,

He bought us and He uses,

He teaches and He leads,

And in the end we’re better,

He meets all of our needs.

And in His hands so gentle,

We find why we were born,

New graces come at sunrise,

On every single morn.

I knew it when I saw her,

He knows and sees us, too,

That helps me understand things,

And teaches me what’s true.

“Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand…” (Romans 5:2, NLT)

We are bought by the blood of Christ, and that defines our value. We are brought into salvation and a new relationship with God, not based upon our mixed bag performance, but by His grace. He gives us a place that is undeserved, and the same is true of how He uses us. We have rules in our minds about who God can and will use, and those He doesn’t. Truth is, we are all works in process, and He doesn’t wait until all our issues are resolved before using us. We grow, and continue to change, even as He gives us greater responsibility. God picks people we wouldn’t, and uses them to do things we think more “qualified” people should be doing. But God does not need our approval on these things. Remember that the next time you’re tempted to write someone off, or remove them from your “useful” list. God will surprise you. His grace is surprising and wonderful!

Lord, help us work through the changes we need to make, and give grace to others who are doing the same, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.

Brad McClain