"Lost then Found"
We’ve eased into December,
This morning our first frost,
Heard the preacher in two churches,
Saying something to the lost.
And both meant those pre-Christians,
Who haven’t come to know,
Jesus as their Savior,
Though some to church will go.
As I listened pondering,
I remember well the day,
The Spirit showed me Calvary,
And I heard Him say,
I did this for you, son,
I knew His words were true,
I was broken down and crying,
And wondered what to do.
So I prayed and simply asked Him,
To forgive me all my sins,
Did not excuse a one of them,
And then I asked Him in,
To take control and save me,
And change my life, you see,
He took just what I gave Him,
Never dreamed what life would be.
And now, all these years later,
He’s still Emmanuel,
God is always with us,
And you can always tell,
‘Cause the Spirit is inside us,
Leading us in righteous ways,
Giving us the power,
To obey Him all our days.
Lost then found by Jesus,
Is still life’s greatest choice,
And I can only praise Him,
With my life and with my voice.
And if you’re on the outside,
Looking in, but still not sure,
Give your heart and ask Him,
He’s your life’s greatest cure.
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8, NAS)
The divine demonstration is clear. God loves us and God shows us. How? By sending Jesus to die for us, and make no mistake, it was for each and every one. When? While we were yet sinners, meaning while we were still lost and could care less. The point is very clear. This demonstration is not offered because we have cleaned up our lives and now deserve to receive it. This offer is given when such achievement is utterly impossible. Undeserved favor is the definition of grace and that’s what makes it so amazing. Lost then found, indeed!
Lord, we receive Your grace, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Robert “Shoofly” Shufelt, used by permission. Thanks, Robert, and God bless you.