The choices made,
And hopes that fade,
When we disregard God’s voice.
Deceived by lies,
That now disguise,
The truth behind the noise.
And when the light,
Is now call night,
And every wrong is good,
No wonder we,
Have failed to see,
The things God said we should.
To be lukewarm,
Before the storm,
Is foolish to the core,
Problem is,
When we’re like this,
We think we know the score.
Blind and sick,
You get the pic,
Neither hot nor cold,
Without wealth,
Void of health,
The Spirit’s words are gold.
Behold His knock,
As ticks the clock,
He asks to let Him in,
Hear once more,
Swing wide the door,
Change from what we’ve been.
The healing fire,
Will cleanse desire,
And set the captive free,
Don’t fear the flame,
In Jesus’ name,
It’s what He said would be.
“So, because you are lukewarm- neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of My mouth.” (Revelation 3:16, NIV)
Sometimes when the Lord is very direct about how we need to change, we try to soften up His words. But this is not something we should do. Why? When the Lord speaks strongly it’s for a reason. Lukewarmness is a very dangerous spiritual condition because those who are don’t know it. They think they’re doing just fine because they are spiritually deceived. The opposite is true. God can deal with us if we’re cold and we know it. it’s also obvious if we are on fire for God and He is using us. But lukewarmness makes us dull and unavailable to God. The good news is that Jesus knocks at the door of the lukewarm and want to come in and help them make things right. Open the door- now.
Lord, help us open the door to You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mark Maggiori, used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.