"Mad On"
I know some angry Christians,
They seem to be so mad,
‘Bout the situation,
In our nation, things so bad.
They’re offended with morality,
Disappointed with the vote,
They rant and rave against it,
And make sure people note,
That if you are a Christian,
You’d best agree and tell,
Or you might hear ‘em sayin’,
You’ll go straight to hell.
So let’s take a minute,
And think about what’s right,
No doubt Jesus calls us,
To be the salt and light.
And I know there’s a standard,
Of righteousness so plain,
It’s right there in the Word of God,
And God’s eternal gain.
But if we want to win ‘em
And help them Christ to know,
Maybe shelf the anger,
And let compassion flow.
‘Cause if you are a-fussin’,
Demand that they agree,
It’s kinda like that old cart,
Before the horse you see.
How can we expect ‘em,
To embrace what is true,
If they’ve never trusted Jesus,
Or His salvation knew.
I see you got your mad on,
But maybe rein it in,
Cause you’re God’s advertisement,
To save folks from their sin.
Just maybe pray about it,
Ask God to make us wise,
Be generous with mercy,
But never compromise.
And one last thing I’ll tell you,
Before I end this rhyme,
When the days are darkest,
The light shines bright just fine.
“Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires…” (James 1:20, NLT)
Everyone gets mad. That’s no big deal. But when we stay mad that’s a problem. Why? Because we as believers cannot afford to be reactionary if we want to win people to Christ. And if we’re constantly reacting in anger about what we’re against, people miss the bigger point we’re trying to make. And what point is that? It’s the good news that God loves them, Jesus died for them and was raised from the dead, and they can know Him personally and receive full salvation. If that’s our message, and it is, then every other issue, agenda, conviction, vote, alignment and emotion falls in subjection to it. Does this advance the Gospel? That’s what we should be asking ourselves, particularly when there is so much to be stirred up over. With God’s help we must learn the wisdom of responding by the Spirit rather than reacting in anger. Hand God the reins on this one, and we’ll do more good than we ever thought possible.
Lord, control our anger and help us to advertise Your grace, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Glynnis Miller, glynnismillerart.com. Thanks, Glynnis, and God bless you.