"Make Room"

Can you come today, she asked,

And I had to tell her no,

So busy with the work I do,

And things so fast, not slow.


But now I wish I’d done it,

‘Cause I can’t visit now,

Mama’s gone to heaven,

Love to hear her voice somehow.


When you’re in town let’s grab a bite,

I promised that I would,

Dad and I, we had a steak,

And it was really good.


But when we left and parted ways,

I wish that I had known,

That would be our final meal,

In my memory it has grown.


I know I must have talked to her,

Sometime on the phone,

But I can’t pinpoint when it was,

And now she’s dead and gone.


My crazy little sister,

A mother and a wife,

And suddenly the accident,

The water took her life.


And on and on the story goes,

He called to ask if we,

Could meet up at the rodeo,

Where we planned to be.


And then at home a sudden stroke,

That took him to the ground,

And from it he did not get up,

Death’s grip had brought him down.


And in my heart an empty place,

Where my cowboy brother lives,

And though it hurts to say good-bye,

His words still laughter give.


My friend said he was ready,

And had a lot of peace,

The doctors said it might be months,

Or even only weeks.


And then I thought, this is good-bye,

So every word should count,

My mentor and encourager,

Can’t measure the amount,


Of gratitude I felt inside,

For all the things he shared,

Now he’s gone to glory,

I’ll always know he cared.


The moments and the memories,

The people and the plans,

The places that we’ve lived and worked,

The kids and those sweet grands.


All a woven tapestry,

Of life and time we’ve spent,

So much to be thankful for,

Some we wonder where it went.


Bottom line, to be real sure,

That while we have the chance,

We don’t miss the moment,

To celebrate and dance.


Live it to the max each day,

The shadows gather soon,

And when somebody needs you,

Make sure for them make room.

“…He gives breath to everyone, life to everyone who walks the earth, and it is He who says, ‘I, the Lord, have called you to demonstrate my righteousness. I will take you by the hand and guard you…” (Isaiah 42:5-6, NLT)

The great prophet, Isaiah, envisioned the coming of God’s Messiah, and He also saw our lives as a gift from God. Our breath and life come from Him, and we are called to “demonstrate” His righteousness. Our lives should advertise God’s grace to those who need it, and not be wasted on trivial pursuits. Sometimes it takes us awhile to realize it, but the sooner the better, and better late than never. Our lives are guarded and led by Him, and if we cooperate with His leadership, we will maximize every moment and every memory. Such is God’s plan for all of us. Live it!

Lord, please help us follow Your guidance so that we miss no opportunity to demonstrate Your righteousness, in Jesus’ name.

With Linwood McClain and Mark Eagerton at the National Finals Rodeo, 2020, in Ft. Worth, Texas.

Brad McClain