
Where I’m from folks had manners,

Like yessir and yes ma’am,

But now I hardly recognize,

Where on earth I am.

Now people pass by looking,

Straight down at their phone,

Never nod or speak to you,

Might’s well be alone.

I was taught to get the door,

When a female came your way,

And walkin’ down the sidewalk,

Men on the street side stayed.

Please and simple thank you,

Was how we asked for things,

And if somebody needed help,

You gave it without strings.

I remember Dad said straighten up,

Nobody likes a slouch,

And made it clear by how he worked,

There’s no future on that couch.

You shook a man’s hand firmly,

You looked him in the eye,

And if you gave your word to him,

It was simply do or die.

You might get up and give your seat,

To a lady or old man,

If the place was crowded,

You’d step back and just stand.

And when you sat with elders,

You didn’t say too much,

But listened to their stories,

Their years of wisdom touch.

Held high regard for womanhood,

Tipped or shucked your hat,

You offered arm or handkerchief,

I was taught all that.

I’m thinkin’ I’m a dinosaur,

And plumb out-lived my time,

When all I hear is rudeness,

Instead of kindness fine.

Or maybe we can get it back,

I pray the Lord we can,

Manners aren’t the only thing,

But sure would help our land.

Okay, I’ll mind my manners,

And this is no complaint,

But maybe just a prayer request,

That God does what we can’t.

“Show proper respect for everyone…” (1 Peter 2:17, NIV)

Foundational to healthy relationships is the virtue of respect. We respect people, even if we disagree with them. It’s one of the ways we stack the odds that we can win them over to Christ, but beyond that, it’s just the right thing to do. We treat others the way we want to be treated. Period. Unfortunately the public discourse and debate reflects a nasty undoing of common civility, politeness, and manners. Efforts to silence opposing views reflect uncertainty rather than confidence, and hidden agendas rather than transparency. Some believe this is irreparable, but the scriptures call us to set the example and be the light of the world in this, and everything else.

Lord, help us reverse the trend of bad manners and replace it with mutual respect for everyone, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain