Dad said that when you meet a man,
You look them in the eye,
Shake their hand, but not too hard,
A “nice to meet you” try.
But it wasn’t always easy,
For a little kid to do,
It always made me nervous,
But Dad said I had to.
I did the same with my kids,
Just tryin’ to pass along,
Something that would help them,
To keep their manners strong.
And sometimes I’m discouraged,
By what I think I see,
Maybe I’m just gettin’ old,
But it really seems to me,
That there’s a deficit on manners,
With young and old the same,
A simple please and thank you,
Would really up the game.
Reminds me of a colt I bought,
It’s owner sure had spoiled,
He had no manners on the ground,
That’s when my twine uncoiled.
We had a “come to Jesus,”
So he understood his place,
It didn’t take him very long,
To give me back my space.
If we require our horses,
To show us manners strong,
How much more for people,
To help us get along.
And it all starts with moms and dads,
Who take the time to show,
And if we’re not consistent,
Our kids might never know.
That it is still important,
To show someone respect,
And part of it is manners,
And what we should expect.
And underneath the Golden Rule,
Do what you’d like them to,
The bottom line of manners,
It’s what we all should do.
“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you…” (Matthew 7:12, NLT)
It’s been called the “Golden Rule,” and its truth is golden indeed. Think how much better the world would be if we all followed it. It is the foundation upon which all civility and mannerly behavior is based. Just treat them the way you’d want to be treated. But we don’t…why? Perhaps it’s because we need help with our selfishness. And the only cure for our narcissism is God’s transforming grace. When we enthrone Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit, He helps us to die to ourselves and live a new way. Ultimately the Golden Rule becomes a way of life because Jesus is living His life through us.
Lord, help us live a mannerly life, empowered by Your Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Ann Hanson, annhanson.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Ann, and God bless you.