
Of all that I remember,

From all the years that flew,

Of all the life that I have lived,

And all the past I knew,


It wasn’t pretty horses,

That I knew and rode,

Nor times I gathered cattle,

And cowboy skills I showed.


It wasn’t at a roping,

When my loop went extra true,

Or all the other cowboy chores,

My Dad sent me to do.


It wasn’t when I traveled,

To distant shores and long,

Saw the sights and breathed the air,

Of where I don’t belong.


Not even with my loved ones,

With children or grandkids,

All the happy moments,

And all the things we did.


It wasn’t even with the one,

Who’s the love of my whole life,

My black-haired Texas beauty,

And the one I call my wife.


So what do I remember,

That in a lifetime so could be,

The one thing that stands out the most,

Precious in my memory.


And though it may surprise you,

I’ll tell you what is true,

It’s the day I trusted Jesus,

When His light came shining through.


And, no, I don’t deserve it,

But that’s because it’s grace,

Is what matters most of all,

The smile on Jesus’ face.


It happened a long time ago,

But every day since then,

I never doubt His love for me,

Though received it way back when.


Many, many blessings,

Through the years, I offer thanks,

For all the good that I’ve enjoyed,

But none of them outranks,


The joy of knowing Jesus,

The relief that sins are gone,

And knowing at my final breath,

My soul to Him belongs.

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life has gone; a new life has begun! (2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT)

Receiving a new life from Jesus Christ is the greatest thing that can happen to anybody! Whether it’s a sudden, emotional experience or a more gradual awareness of His grace, the main thing is that it has happened and that we are sure about it. The greatest thing we could ever share with another human being is this experience, telling them what Jesus Christ has done for us. It happened to me when I was seventeen years old at a youth retreat. There, in a quiet place, the Lord showed me the cross and what He had done there for me. I gave Him my life, and know that was when I received His salvation. When did it happen to you?

Lord, make us sure we have received the gift of eternal life, and help us share it with others, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Grant Redden, used by permission. Thanks, Grant, and God bless you.

Brad McClain